Member retention and recruitment are critical imperatives for bottom line-minded fitness businesses. After all, if you don’t have members, you don’t have income, and if you don’t have income, you won’t have a fitness business for long. The good news? There are many different ways to get the word out about what makes your gym, health club, or other fitness business better than the rest. One particularly effective sales tool? Videos. 

Here’s a closer look at why video marketing works so well, as well as a roundup of best practices for including videos in your fitness business marketing strategies.

The Video Imperative

According to video company Breadnbeyond’s  “The State of Video Marketing in 2018” report,” video content earns a staggering 12 times more shares than text and images combined. 

But people aren’t only more likely to share video content, they’re also more likely to retain what they see: Specifically, people who view marketing videos retain 95 percent of the message it contains. When they see the same message delivered via text, however, they retain just 10 percent. 

Meanwhile, videos are particularly effective with the spike in popularity of temporary content (think Snapchat). Because while this type of content is inherently more narrow in reach, videos create a greater sense of urgency — and better engagement in the process. 

Five Video Marketing Tips for Fitness Businesses

1. Make it mobile.

Looking to maximize the impact of your marketing videos? Mobile optimization is key. “We just don’t use desktops nearly as much as we used to. We want everything on-the-go and on-demand, which is why 69 percent of digital media engagement happens on mobile platforms,” says Breadnbeyond.

2. Think “bite-sized.”

Continues Breadnbeyond, “A useful, quick, and one-touch access to needed information becomes the basis of acquiring customer trust and building long-lasting relationships.” Short videos allow you to deliver your message without overstaying your welcome. They also make the viewing experience more compelling.

3. Stick with square.

Think the scale of a marketing video makes no difference? Think again. Research shows that square videos generate both more reach (30 to 35 percent) and more engagement (80 percent) than their horizontal counterparts. Not only that, but these figures are expected to climb in the year ahead. 

4. Leverage live. 

Live videos are a relatively new phenomenon, but they will become an increasingly important part of content strategy. In fact, according to Breadnbeyond, 82 percent of consumers say they prefer live video to all other social media posts. In addition to being more attractive to viewers, live videos are also more affordable to make because they have fewer production and editing costs. 

Fitness business

But live videos don’t just increase in quantity of viewings, they enhance quality, as well: Users spend three times longer watching live videos than pre-recorded ones, according to one report. 

5. Acknowledge your audience.

Video is everywhere you look these days. So how do you distinguish yours from the rest? Target your videos to your audience’s goal. 

Contends serial entrepreneur and Growth Stackers COO/Co-Founder Chad Keller for Forbes, “When creating a video, it’s important that you understand your audience’s goal. Why are they watching your video in the first place? Do they have an issue or problem they are trying to alleviate? Do they have an issue they might not even know about, but will?…Don’t force your product or service on them. Again, knowing the reason they are watching will help you better shape an opening.”

And don’t forget that, as with all forms of content, calls to action (CTAs) are an integral part of video marketing. What action do you want consumers to take after watching your video? Whether it’s to sign up for weekly emails or schedule a tour of your facility, including a CTA can help the viewer take that step. 

According to the Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) Complete Forecast for 2016 to 2021, internet video will account for 82 percent of all global internet traffic by 2021. The takeaway for today’s fitness businesses? Incorporating video into your marketing strategies can help you maintain a powerful profile in this digital age. Another way to keep current members happy while attracting new ones? Keep up with the trends. Request a demo to learn more about how the Accurofit System can help.