Fitness Industry Technology Council (FIT-C) President Bryan O’Rourke pondered the future of the fitness business in a 2016 issue of Athletic Business magazine. “Think of a world where you don’t have a front desk. Think of a world where you’re wearing a device that knows when you’re coming in and checks you in automatically. Think of a world where when you finish your group fitness training, the club will have a certain flavor smoothie waiting for you,” he urged.

With every new day that comes and goes, we grow closer to the world envisioned by O’Rourke, as well as seemingly endless other possibilities — all through the power of technology. Wondering how technology can help your fitness business grow in the here and now? Read on for a closer look at three ways to put technology to work for your fitness business. 

1. Custom Apps

Think you’re ahead of the game because you have a strong web presence? Think again. If you don’t have a mobile app, you‘re behind the curve. Contends Mevvy CEO Melanie Haselmayr for Forbes, every business needs a mobile app for seven reasons: visibility to customers, direct marketing, providing value to customers, building brand and recognition, improving customer engagement, standing out from the competition, and cultivating loyalty. 

Mobile apps are particularly important for fitness businesses looking to reach the massive Millennial market. “Mobile apps meet gym users where they are (no matter where that might be), and combined with wearable technology, enhance the member’s experience which in turn boosts the gym business. The service a gym now offers must extend beyond the four walls of the gym itself, or in other words, members expect to be able to work out at the gym even when they aren’t there. A mobile app gives them what they want – a complete package that inspires them, informs them, and adds real-life value,” proposes Bizness Apps founder Andrew Gazdecki. 

2. Social Advertising

If your gym is thriving, you’ve likely already got a strong social media presence. But are you harnessing its full power? Probably not — if you’re not using social ads, that is. 

Explains Cyberclick, “Social ads are one of the quickest and most effective ways to connect with our target audience. These ads bring profitable opportunities in digital marketing formats…These small ads make the most of all the information users share on social media to offer them content as highly personalized as possible, and, as such, conversion opportunities.”

There’s a reason why social media ad spend rose from $72.09 billion in 2016 to $82 billion in 2017, and is expected to skyrocket to more than $113 billion by 2020: they work. The best part? Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Snapchat make the process appealingly user-friendly so you don’t have to be a tech genius to get in on the action.

Group of people standing using their mobile phones.

3. Fitness monitoring equipment for group classes.

Small group training is a huge boon for today’s fitness business. So while we often think of the advantages of wearables and fitness trackers in an individual context, their value for group classes can’t be overlooked.

Fitness businesses that integrate wearable technology into their group fitness programming position themselves to exponentially improve the member experience. Not only can providing members with data about heart rate, calories burned, training zones and intensity help them train at the right levels, it can also help them feel more motivated, accountable, and confident in their workouts. This amounts to increased member loyalty and ongoing demand for technology-assisted classes: a win-win for fitness business and members alike. 

Other fitness monitoring equipment, including everything from smart scales to Bluetooth blood pressure monitoring, can also further support member wellness goals. 

Technology is heralded for its disruptive potential in the fitness industry, but ultimately its impact is only as good as its adoption. To learn more about what wearable technology can do for your fitness business,   request a demo today.