Approximately 70 percent of Americans use social media to “connect with one another, engage with news content, share information and entertain themselves,” according to the latest figures on social media adoption from Pew Research Center. Even more noteworthy? This figure was just five percent in 2005. The takeaway for forward-thinking fitness businesses? If you’re not using social media, you’re missing out on a major opportunity to reach members and potential members. 

Not sure where to begin when it comes to optimizing your social media strategies? Start with these six tips for fitness businesses.

1. Diversify your content.

There are many kinds of social media content, each of which offers different value. From infographics — the most socially shared content type — to beloved lists, mixing things up can help keep your content fresh while further engaging your audience. News, photos, healthy recipes, polls, and interactive content are other social media fitness marketing tactics. 

Also vital? Images. According to Go-Gulf, not only do pictures top the list of things people like to share on social networks, but they almost double also-rans like opinions, status updates, and links to articles. It’s not just about throwing any images up and calling it a day, however. Rather, choose photos designed to appeal to your target market. Photos are also an easy yet effective way to show off your space and retail products.

In addition to diversifying your content, it’s also important to diversify your efforts across social media platforms. Using Facebook or Instagram or Twitter alone is not enough.  So what is? A comprehensive, cohesive social media plan to incorporate multiple channels. 

2. Make it motivational.

People are emotional, and they respond to content designed to appeal to emotion. According to Coschedule research, “Posts with higher emotional value get more shares.”  More specifically, happy posts inspire people to share. 

Continues Coschedule of its findings, “The number of positive ratings strongly correlated with total content views, and initial views are the first step to getting shares.” Have an inspirational meme, quote or story? Share it. 

3. Master the hashtag.

Courting new mothers or debuting a new family fitness class? Using hashtags like #newmothers and #familyfitness can help you get the word out, build buzz, and boost brand awareness. 

4. Have time on your side.

The most amazing, insightful and inspiring content in the world is meaningless if no one is seeing it. In other words, it’s not just about what you post, but also about when you post. Every social media platform has different metrics aimed at helping users look at past performance in order to inform future decision-making. Generally speaking, however, the largest numbers of people are online in the hours prior to and after work; at lunchtime, and just before bed. Time your posts right, and you amplify their reach with exactly the same amount of effort. 

5. Build relationships.

Member loyalty is built on relationships. One way to nurture and fortify these relationships? Give your audience a chance to connect by profiling your staff. Says FM & Consulting, “People want to know who they’re doing business with today. By interviewing your employees you’ll humanize your brand. This entices not only your customers, but also your prospective customers to want to know more about you and what you offer.” 

But why stop there? Highlighting member achievements and accomplishments can facilitate member relationships with each other, as well as with your fitness business. Who doesn’t love a good success story? And be sure to use #TransformationTuesday while you’re at it. 

Fitness business

6. Put wearables to work.

Wearables are also a wonderful way to promote relationships among your members. Says Club Industry, “By coupling social media with wearable technology, members can compete with themselves as well as with each other. Seeing another member’s information on the screen at the gym or posted to social media is inspiring and encourages members to try harder with each workout. The result is that members build a community within the gym, and they are less likely to leave a gym where they have friends.”

And supporting your social media strategies is just the start of what wearables can do for your fitness business.  Request a demo today to learn more about what the Accurofit System can do for you. Learn more